Atlantic Region – Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing



Revised June 2022

Article I – Name
The name of this organization is the Atlantic Region of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing/Association Canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières- RA (ARCASN/ACÉSI-RA), hereafter known as the Region. Schools of nursing as defined by Canadian Associations of Schools of Nursing/Association canadienne des écoles de sciences infirmières (CASN/ACÉSI), include schools, departments, faculties, programs, or units that offer part of a degree or all of a degree program in nursing.

Article II – Purpose and Objectives
The purpose of this Region is to provide an organized body to promote the advancement of nursing education and research in Atlantic Canadian schools of nursing and to collaborate with the other Regions in meeting the objectives of the CASN/ ACESI.


  • To identify the needs of the Region concerning nursing education
  • To promote the interchange of information concerning philosophies, programs, curricula, research and plans for the future
  • To promote interchange of nursing scholarship among the membership
  • To represent the views of this Region to education, professional, and other appropriate bodies

Article III
Any Atlantic school of nursing faculty member whose institution is a member of the Canadian Association of Schools or Nursing (CASN/ACÉSI) may be a member upon payment of the current fee.

ACTIVE MEMBERSHIP – Open to all Atlantic nursing faculty/educators whose institution is a member of CASN

LIFE MEMBERSHIP – Consists of former members of the Region upon whom such membership is conferred by the Region, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee for distinguished service or valuable assistance to the Region. Life members may attend meetings but have no voting privileges.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP – Consists of those persons upon whom such membership is conferred by the Region, upon recommendation of the Executive Committee for distinguished service or valuable assistance to the Region. Honorary members may attend meetings but have no voting privileges.

ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP – Any individual who has been a faculty member of a recognized School of Nursing may apply for associate membership.

Any student enrolled full-time or part-time in an undergraduate or graduate program in nursing in the Atlantic Region may apply for associate membership.

Associate members may attend meetings but have no voting privileges.

Article IV – Officers
The officers of the Region shall-be a President, a President-Elect, a Secretary, and a Treasurer.

Article V – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall consist of the officers, chairs of standing committees, and one representative for each Atlantic institution which is a member of the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing (CASN/ACÉSI). A representative will be elected by each institution for a two-year term. No officer of the Region shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

Article VI – Standing Committees
The Region may by-law, establish, and regulate such standing committees as are appropriate to advance the purpose of the Region. The Chair of such Standing Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a two-year term. The Executive Committee shall have power to remove such Chair and to fill vacancies in such office.

The Region or the Executive Committee by resolution may establish, and regulate such special committees as from time to time are appropriate to advance the purpose of the Region.

Article VII – Meetings
Meetings of the Region shall be held at least once a year at such time and place as the Executive Committee may designate. One meeting shall be designated at the Annual Meeting.

A meeting of the Region may be called by the President or by 10% of its members.

Executive Committee Meetings shall be held at least twice a year.

Notice of any meeting shall be sent by the Secretary to each member at least 14 days before the meeting. Such notice shall include the day, the hour, and the place of such meeting. In case of a special meeting, the purpose for which the meeting was called shall be stated in the notice.

Article VIII – Nomination
When necessary, a Committee on Nomination shall be appointed at an Annual Meeting of the Region to serve for two years. The term coincides with the terms of the officers of the Region.

The nominating committee will consist of the former ARCASN President, as Chair, and a nominee from each school of nursing in the Region.

All nominees for Executive Office will submit a biographical sketch to the Nomination Committee to be circulated to the membership 30 days before the Annual Meeting.

Article IX – Voting
Each active member of the Region shall have a vote.

Article X – Quorum
At the meetings of the Region, a quorum shall be the members present provided that there is representation from at least 50% of the member institutions and affiliated institutions. Where possible it is suggested that an alternate attend Executive Meetings when the representative from the institution has to be absent.

Article XI – Fiscal Year
The fiscal year of the Region shall from April 1st to March 31st.

Article XII – Finances
The annual fee for active and associate members shall be such as the Region may from time to time by resolution prescribe. Honorary and life members will be exempt from annual fees.

Article XIII – By-law
The Region may, by by-law, prescribe rules and regulations consistent with this constitution relating to the management and operation of its Region.

By-laws may be repealed or amended by a majority vote at a Region meeting, provided that at least 30 days’ notice of motion has been given in writing to all members.

Article XIV – Relationship with the Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing
The President, and (if finances permit) the President elect (in the year of handover) or delegate shall represent the Atlantic Region to the National Body. ARCASN/ACÉSIRA works closely with CASN/ACESI and seeks opportunities to be involved in CASN/ACÉSI initiatives.

Article XV – Representation to Other Bodies
The Executive Committee may, at its discretion, and when invited to do so, name members to represent the Region at the meetings of various bodies.

Adopted at AGM spring 2015
Amendment to Article XIV, AGM June 2018.
Amendment to Article III, AGM June 2019.
Amendment to Article XI, and reformatting to Articles II and XIII, AGM June 2022.