Atlantic Region – Canadian Association of Schools of Nursing



Revised June 2022


Article I – Officer
Section 1:
The officers of the Region shall be set out in the Constitution.

Section 2:
The representative of the Region shall be set out in the Constitution.

Article II
Section 1:
Any active members of the regions, with the exception of the Deans, Directors, Chairs, or equivalent roles shall be eligible to hold office.

Section 2:
Members of the Executive Committee shall serve for a two-year term. The officers shall be elected by the general ARCASN/ACESIRA membership on even years to serve two years and each school of nursing CASN membership elects a representative on odd years to serve two years. No officer of the region shall hold the same office for more than two consecutive terms.

Section 3:
The PRESIDENT shall:
a) Preside at all meetings of the Region.
b) Act as chairperson of the Executive Committee.
c) Be an ex-officio member of all committees.
d) Exercise the powers and perform the duties common to the office of the President.
e) Present or forward an annual report of the Region’s activities to the Annual Meeting of ARCASN.
f) Present or forward an annual report of the Region’s activities to the Annual Meeting CASN.
g) Co-sign checks with treasurer. In the event that the president and the treasurer are not working at the same institution, the ARCASN Representative for the institution where the treasurer is located shall co-sign the checks.
h) Facilitate maintenance of web site.

Act as President in absence of the President, and in so acting shall have the power and authority of the President.

The SECRETARY shall:
a) Attend to all correspondence and keep minutes of all meetings.
b) Notify all members of any meetings according to article VII of the Constitution.
c) Send membership forms to the representatives
d) Circulate a list of candidates for election to the Executive Committee and to the Representatives in each school, three weeks prior to the Annual Meeting.
e) Ensure that a list of the elected officers and school representatives be posted on the web site.
f) ) Inform Life members of the date and place of each year’s AGM and conference.

The TREASURER shall:
a) Be responsible for all funds of the Region and shall deposit the same in one of the chartered banks of Canada.
b) Compile a yearly membership list.
c) Present a review engagement report (financial review) to the Executive at the conclusion their term.
d) Receive all fees and issue receipts to all members.

a) Maintain effective communication between the Executive Committee and members.
b) Distribute membership information to all faculty on an annual basis.
c) Encourage faculty to become members of the Region.
d) Attend all Executive Meetings of the Region. An alternative representative to Executive Meetings may be named if the representative is unable to attend. The alternative shall have full voting privileges.
e) Orientate the succeeding representative.
f) Act as liaison on behalf of the Executive for the benefit of the Region.
g) Notify all members in their institution of ARCASN meetings.
h) If applicable, collects registration and monies and forwards same to the Treasurer.

Section 4:
a) If an office of an elected officer becomes vacant between regular annual meetings, such office may be filled by interim appointment to the executive to be ratified at the next Annual Meeting.
b) If a Representative of any school resigns between regular Annual Meetings, that school will appoint another of its members as a Representative.

Article III – Executive Committee
The Executive Committee shall:
a) Carry out the purposes and objectives of the Constitution.
b) Deal with any matters referred to it by the Region and report back upon any matters so referred.
c) Appoint Committees to perform such duties/activities as deemed necessary.
d) Make policies in the interest of the Region to be presented, at the next Annual Meetings, for clarification.
e) Carry on the normal transaction of the region between general meetings.

Article IV – Committees
Section 1:
Committees may be Standing or Ad Hoc. The Chair of the Standing Committee shall be appointed by the Executive Committee for a two-year term.

Section 2:
Ad Hoc Committees shall be appointed by the Executive Committee as occasion demands.

Section 3:
Any Chair may be removed by the Executive Committee provided that at least 30 days notice is given in writing to the Chair prior to any such action.

Article V – Voting
Section 1:
Voting shall be as set out in Article IX of the Constitution.

Section 2:
All questions shall be voted upon by the active members of the Region, present at any general meeting called by the Association. Each active member shall be entitled to a vote. Voting may also be in writing and signed by the member on an official proxy form. Proxy must specify the meeting or meetings. Proxy voting will be permitted from the floor at the Annual Meeting for resolutions arising from the floor (providing the member has appointed a proxy and signed the appropriate form).

Article VI – Amendments
These By-Laws may be repealed or amended at an Annual Meeting by a two-thirds majority of the votes cast, provided that notice of such amendment has been sent to each member not less than 30 days before the date of such Annual Meetings.

Article VII – Representation to CASN Council
Section 1:
The President, President Elect or delegate shall be one representative to CASN Council meetings.

Section 2:
If finances permit, a second representative to attend CASN Council meetings shall be determined at the September meeting of the ARCASN Executive.

Section 3:
The President-Elect shall attend at least one meeting of CASN Council during her/his term of office, if finances permit.

Adopted at AGM spring 2015
Amendment to alter item (f) from Treasurer to Secretary responsibilities approved AGM Spring 2017.
Amendment to Article VII, Section 1 approved at AGM June 2018.
Amendment to Article II, Section 3 approved at AGM June 2019.
Amendment to Article II, Section 1 and 3 approved at AGM June 2022.